Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Carrieverse Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) recognizes the importance of the Users’ personal information and complies with the personal information protection regulations under the relevant laws and regulations which the Company is required to comply with such as the “Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc.” and the “Personal Information Protection Act.”

Through this Privacy Policy, the Company discloses to the Users as to how their personal information is used, and for what purposes, and what measures are taken to protect their personal information.

In the event the Company revises this Privacy Policy, the Company will provide notice through posting announcements on its website (or by individual notification).

If you have any inquiries about this Privacy Policy, the operation of our website or how to use our website, please contact our Personal Information Protection Manager by e-mail or by mail (3rd floor, 35-6, Samsung-ro 85gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul).

1. Personal Information Collected by the Company

There are three main ways that the Company may collect personal information:

(1) Collecting information that the User provides to the Company:

The User may provide the following information to the Company in order to play the Game and use our website.

(2) Collecting information automatically during the User’s use of our services:

The Company may automatically collect the following information during the User’s use of our services. The Company generally uses the following items of personal information for resolving technical issues or improving server environment and not for personal identification.

“Advertising ID” means the Apple Identifier for Advertisers (“IDFA”) on Apple, and Google Advertising Identity (“GAID”). These are unique identifiers for mobile devices that advertisers use for interest-based advertising. They are consistent across all apps and thus allow cross-app tracking. On Apple, you can opt out by choosing the “limit ad tracking” option in the privacy settings. On Google Android, you can opt out by choosing the “Opt out of interest based ads.” Advertising IDs are non-permanent, non-personal identifiers uniquely associated with your device. Similar technologies include tracking pixels within ads. These technologies allow companies (including marketers and advertisers) to recognize your device when you use websites and applications.

“Device identifier/information” means device type, device model, device manufacturer, device operating system and language, or other technical data like screen size, processor, or a combination of this data, available from a device for a developer to check the device’s compatibility with a particular application.

(3) Collecting information from third parties:

The Company receives the following items of personal information from third parties to identify the Users. The Company receives such information in encrypted form.

(a) Information from social network platforms.

You may choose to connect to our Services via your social network account. The exact information we receive from you will depend on your social media privacy settings, but it will typically include your basic public profile information, such as:

▶︎ your username, email, profile picture, your friends playing the same Game

Typical uses include updating game progress on multiple devices you may own so that you can continue your progress using multiple devices. In addition, we may show your Facebook friends in the Game and show your public Facebook profile name and picture in Game leaderboards and in your Game profile.

(b) Payment

When you purchase any products or services, such as Virtual Money or Virtual Goods, through our Services (which called “In-app-purchase”), we may collect certain payment information from you on behalf of our payment service providers. When you purchase our products or services through third party platforms (such as Apple App Store or Google Play Store), you will be required to provide certain payment and billing information directly to such third party platforms, and we do not collect or store any payment information from you.

(c) Third party service providers.

We may receive personal information about you from third-party sources. We may get your personal information, for example, when you installed our Game or when, prior to installation, you click on an advertisement for the Game.

(d) Advertising partners.

From time to time, we may also receive personal information about you from other third-party sources. For example, if you clicked on an advertisement directing you to one of our Services (such as an ad for one of our Games in another publishers’ game), we will be provided with information about which ad network and advertising campaign the install originated from.

You should ensure that you read their privacy policies to understand how they treat your data and what data they might share with us. For more information and opt-out possibilities, please visit the links below.

The Company may collect the User’s personal information to execute and perform contracts with the User (e.g. providing services pursuant to the User’s requests). If the User does not provide such personal information, the Company may restrict the supply of any services or goods that the User may request.

(4) No special categories of information

The Company does not request or intends to collect any "special categories of information" such as any information on health, race, religion, political opinions or philosophical beliefs, sexual preferences or orientation. Please, be cautious when sharing this information about yourself (or others) in our community.

2. Non-personally identifiable information automatically collected by the Company

The Company may collect the following non-personally identifiable information during the use of our services. Non-personally identifiable information means information that cannot be used to identify a specific user.

3. Purpose of Processing Personal Information

The Company mainly processes the User’s personal information based on the following grounds.

4. Purpose of Using Personal Information

In the event the Company entrusts the processing of personal information to third party service providers, such third party service provider may only process part of such personal information that are necessary to perform the services requested by the Company.

5. Sharing Personal Information with Third Parties

The Company may share the User’s personal information with third parties, including service providers who process the User’s personal information on behalf of the Company, to provide customer service and manage our communities, and detect and block use of hacking tools and unauthorized programs, subject to the requirements set forth in the personal information protection laws and regulations of the relevant country. The types of such third parties are as follows:

6. Sharing of Your Information

The Company does not share your personal information with third parties except as explicitly approved by you or except in the following circumstances:

(1) Third Party Service Providers.

The Company may provide your information to third party companies (the “Third Party Service Providers”) that perform services on our behalf, including, without limitation, data analysis, marketing services, promotional events, email campaigns, hosting services, and customer service or support. The Third Party Service Providers may access your personal data, but are required to use it solely as directed by us for performing requested services. The Company will ask for your consent before The Company shares your data with the Third Party Service Providers.

(2) Advertising of Third Party Products/Services.

The Company will not actively share personal data with third party advertisers (the “Advertisers”) for their direct marketing purposes unless we obtain your consent. The Company may share (i) aggregated information (information about you and other Haegin users collectively, but not specifically identifiable to you); (ii) anonymous information; and (iii) certain technical information (including IP Addresses and mobile device IDs) to develop and deliver targeted advertising in the Advertiser’s website or application. The Company may also allow the Advertisers to collect these and similar types of information within the Service and they may share it with us and/or use it for advertising. The Advertisers may collect this information through the use of a variety of tracking technologies, including without limitation, browser cookies and web beacons. The information collected may be used to offer you targeted ad-selection and delivery in order to personalize your User experience by ensuring that advertisements for products and services you see will appeal to you, a practice known as behavioral advertising, and to undertake web analytics (i.e. to analyze traffic and other end user activity to improve your experience). The Company will ask for your consent before we share your personal data with the Advertisers.

(3) Safety, Security and Compliance with Law.

The Company may disclose your information to certain third parties if we reasonably believe that:

(4) Sale or Merger

In the event that Haegin undergoes a business transition, such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or the substantial portion of its assets, The Company may transfer all of your information you have provided, including personal data, to the successor organization in such transition if permitted by and done in accordance with any applicable law. If material changes to our privacy practices will occur as a result of the business transition, The Company will notify you the business transition prior to transferring your personal data.

7. Period of Retention of Personal Information

The Company retains personal information collect from you where we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so. For example, to provide you with a Service you have requested, or to comply with applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements. For example, the Company periodically de-identifies unused Game accounts and regularly review and de-identifies unnecessary personal information.

When the Company have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, the Company will either delete or de-identify it, or, if this is not possible – for example, because your personal information has been stored on a backup server – then the Company will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.

Typically, the Company retain your information for 1 month after deregistration of your account or for the duration described below:

8. Age Limit

Children under a certain age, depending on where he or she lives (e.g. under 13 years in U.S. or under 16 years in EU), can only use our game services with a valid consent from their legal representative (e.g. parents). We make reasonable efforts to verify if consent from or any kind of contract concluded with such children is valid by offering users age verification methods and by obtaining clear consent from children’s legal representatives. If we learn that we have inadvertently gathered personal data from such children, we will take reasonable measures to promptly erase such information from our records. If children under that age or their legal representative ask us to cease processing or profiling of the child’s personal data for the purposes of direct marketing, we will immediately do so.

9. Deletion of Personal Information

In principle, the Company will immediately remove the users’ personal information after achieving the purpose for its processing. Personal information stored in physical form will be shredded or incinerated, and personal information stored in electronic file form will be removed by using technical measures that will prevent reproduction of the information. However, in the case of Paragraph 6 of this Privacy Policy, “Period of Retention of Personal Information,” the Company may retain the User’s personal information as stated therein.

10. User’s Rights and How to Use Them

11. Matters on the Installation, Operation and Rejection of Personal Information Automatic Collection Equipment

The Company uses cookies that store and track User information. Cookies are small text files that are sent to the User’s web browser from the server used to operate this website and are stored on the User’s computer. The Company uses cookies for the following purposes.

How to modify settings to decline cookies

Example: To modify settings to decline cookies, the User may accept all cookies, decide each time a cookie is stored, or decline all cookies by selecting appropriate options on the User’s web browser settings.

Example of modifying the User’s settings: For Internet Explorer, On the top of the User’s web browser select “Tools” > “Internet Options” > “Privacy”

However, if the User declines all cookies, the User may not be able to fully use our services.

12. Protective Measures for Personal Information

The Company uses its best efforts to implement physical, technical and administrative protective measures to prevent the User’s personal information from being lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged. However, it is difficult to guarantee the full and complete security of all information. B y providing the User’s personal information to the Company, the User hereby acknowledges such difficulty and agree that his or her information is not guaranteed to be fully protected.

Manage access rights to the personal information processing system, install and operate the access restriction system, encrypt personal information, install and operate security programs, etc.

Restrict access to data processing room, data storage room, etc.

The Company is always using its best efforts to correct any deficiencies in the event the Company discovers any issues with the implementation of this Privacy Policy or the Personal Information Protection Manager’s compliance herewith. However, the Company shall not be responsible for any disclosures of personal information such as passwords caused by the User’s own negligence or Internet problems.

The Users are responsible for properly managing their accounts and passwords in order to protect their own personal information.

13. Contacting the Personal Information Protection Manager

The Company designates the following person as its Personal Information Protection Manager to handle all comments and requests regarding personal information matters.

Personal Information Protection Manager




If you have any inquiries about complaints about infringement of personal information or require consultation, please contact the following institutions.

Personal Information Infringement Report Center ( +82 118)

Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee ( +82 2-2100-2499)

The Supreme Public Prosecutors Office, Cyber Crime Investigation Division ( +82 2-3480-3571)

The Police Headquarters, Cyber Security Bureau ( +82 182 )

14. Notification and Revision of Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be found on the Company’s website at any time.

In the event the Company changes this Privacy Policy, the Company shall announce such changes by stating the effective date and the changed contents in accordance with the methods stipulated in the relevant laws and regulations.

Prior versions of this Privacy Policy may be viewed through the “Privacy Policy Revisions” at the bottom of this webpage.

15. Link

The Service may contain links to other websites. The fact that the Service links to a website or presents a banner ad or other type of advertisement does not mean that we endorse or authorize that third party, nor is it a representation of our affiliation with that third party. The Company is in no way responsible for the privacy policies of these other websites to which you choose to access from the Service. It is your responsibility to read the privacy policies of these other websites when exiting the Service.


This Privacy Policy shall take effect as of May 18, 2023.